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Complied Surveillance Data Repository

Entity Name: Infosys Technologies Private Limited

Location: Mangalore, India

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The project was executed by Pratibha Swati, the founder of Etnic, from April 2016 to December 2016.

About Infosys

KoinWorks is a leading digital lender for both retail consumers and SMEs in Indonesia.


Our Client in the health insurance domain was facing challenges in efficiently managing and analyzing the vast amount of healthcare data necessary for assessing risk, detecting fraudulent claims, and improving the quality of care provided to its members. The company's data was dispersed across multiple systems and databases, leading to inefficiencies, data silos, and difficulty in accessing comprehensive insights. Without a centralized solution, the company struggles to identify patterns of healthcare utilization, monitor trends in healthcare outcomes, and effectively manage risks associated with insurance coverage.

Furthermore, the lack of a unified data repository hampered the company's ability to detect anomalies, such as irregular billing patterns or potential cases of healthcare fraud, which could result in financial losses and undermine the trust of both customers and stakeholders. 


  • Extracted and transformed data from various sources using ETL processes to ensure consistency and uniformity.

  • Loaded transformed data into a centralized data warehouse to eliminate data silos and facilitate efficient management.

  • Created packages in IBM Cognos Framework Manager to organize data for reporting and analysis.

  • Conducted analysis and generated business reports using Report Studio in IBM Cognos to provide actionable insights.

  • Developed interactive dashboards in IBM Cognos to visualize key performance indicators and metrics for real-time monitoring.

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