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Managed Global Supply Chain Data for OEMs

Entity Name: E2open Software India Private Limited

Location: Bengaluru, India

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The project was led by Pratibha Swati, the founder of Etnic, from April 2017 to June 2018.

About E2open

E2open is a B2B SaaS provider for managing the supply chain database for Original Equipment Manufacturers.


Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) routinely distribute their inventories to a network of distributors, retailers, and resellers worldwide. However, the absence of real-time visibility into inventory levels and sales data hindered their ability to efficiently manage the supply chain. This lack of visibility impeded the timely planning of supply chain operations, resulting in challenges in ensuring the timely delivery of the right quantity of goods to each supply chain partner. As a consequence, OEMs faced obstacles in optimizing their supply chain processes, which could led to inefficiencies, inventory imbalances, and missed opportunities for meeting market demand effectively.


  • Conducted thorough Requirement Gathering sessions with the client, followed by comprehensive Business Requirement Analysis to ascertain their needs and objectives.

  • Held weekly meetings with the client to provide progress updates, address any issues, and propose potential solutions to enhance project efficiency.

  • Undertook Data Collection and Processing of Raw Data utilizing ETL tools and MS Excel to ensure accurate and reliable data handling.

  • Performed Root Cause Analysis of errors and outliers within the data, offering insights and recommendations to rectify issues for future data processing improvements.

  • Utilized SQL to query processed data and generate weekly business reports, facilitating informed decision-making for the client.

Award & Recognition

  • Recognized with the 'Best New Comer' award for the Financial Year 17-18 within the organization, highlighting outstanding contributions and dedication to client satisfaction and project success.

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